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Coppermine Photo Gallery - XP Publish README
XP Web Publishing Wizard Client
This module allows to use Windows XP web publishing wizard with Coppermine.
Code is based on article posted by Sebastian Delmont Creating your own XP Publishing Wizard.
What is required
- Windows XP in order to have the wizard.
- A working installation of Coppermine on which the web upload function works properly.
How to install on client side
- Right click on this link. Select "save target as..". Save the file on your hard drive. When saving the file, check that the proposed file name is cpg_###.reg (the ### represents a numerical timestamp). Change it to that name if necessary (leave the numbers). When downloaded, double click on the file in order to register your server with the web publishing wizard.
- In Windows Explorer, select some files and click on Publish xxx on the web in the left pane.
- Confirm your file selection. Click on Next.
- In the list of services that appear, select the one for your photo gallery (it has the name of your gallery). If the service does not appear, check that you have installed cpg_pub_wizard.reg as described above.
- Input your login information if required.
- Select the target album for your pictures or create a new one.
- Click on next. The upload of your pictures starts.
- When it is completed, check your gallery to see if pictures have been properly added.
Notes :
- Once the upload has started, the wizard can't display any error message returned by the script so you can't know if the upload failed or succeeded until you check your gallery.
- If the upload fails, enable "Debug mode" on the Coppermine admin page, try with one single picture and check error messages in the xp_publish.log
file that is located in Coppermine directory on your server.
- In order to avoid that the gallery be flooded by pictures uploaded through the wizard, only the gallery admins and users that can have their own albums can use this feature.